ID 805
Created 6/26/07
Reporter/s David Kingsley
Version 1.5.5
Type Enhancement
Status Open
Platform All
Title Fix the sizing problem for dim stars in the FOV
Description The magnitude range of stars in FOV charts currently works pretty well if the mag limit is set no fainter than 12 or so. However, when I have tried to use Astroplanner to plot FOV charts with deeper magnitude limits (mag 15), the charts become progressively less useful because there is very little size resolution between plotted stars at the faint end of the magnitude range. I have tried playing with all existing magnitude range settings and different plotting styles, but to no avail. I would prefer to see relatively little or no size resolution for rare BRIGHT stars (mag <3, of which there are usually very few in any FOV chart), and much better size resolution between the fainter stars that make up the bulk of any eyepiece field (mag 10 to 15) . It's the numerous faint stars that turn out to be most useful for tracking down difficult objects in the eyepiece. These are the ones that don't look realistic on the current charts because they almost all come out with similar sizes on paper, and don't correlate well with the visual difference between stars seen through the eyepiece.

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