Requesting a new telescope or eyepiece

Use the forms below to request a new telescope model or eyepiece be added to the lists available in Resources. NOTE: Any request will only be added to the lists maintained for V2.


Vendor: e.g. Meade
Model: e.g. LX200GPS 8"
Aperture (mm): e.g. 203
Focal length (mm): e.g. 2032 (note: Focal length = f/number x Aperture)
Finder FOV (°): e.g. 5 (if this isn't known, leave blank or give mag X aperture, e.g. 8 X 50)
E-Mail Address: Only if you want any feedback


Vendor: e.g. Televue
Model: e.g. Plossl 55mm
Focal length (mm): e.g. 55
Apparent FOV (°): e.g. 50
Barrel (inch): e.g. 1.25" (possibilities: 1.25, 2, 0.965, 1.25/2)
E-Mail Address: Only if you want any feedback